Monday, June 29, 2009

Baba said my mother, "I will go and come back"

Early morning about 5:30 AM, A respected old man came and said, “Daughter, I was with you for this whole Day. I will go and come back”.

Yes, it is our Baba who came in my mothers dream. My mother had a throat operation on Sri Rama Navami Day. Doctors have operated and removed a thyroid and a TB swelling in her neck. She was scared before the operation since all tests and scans done before the operation has had no implications yet symptoms as dangerous disease cancer. Everyone in my family believed only in our Father Sai and he can only save my mother.

A day before the operation, I was talking with my mother to give her some confidence to face the operation through Sai stories. I remembered the words from Sai Satcharitra where Baba said to a devotee Gowri, “I will even cross all the 7 seas to save you”

A miracle happened at that time. Moments after, my mother opened Sai Charita to read a chapter and she exactly opened Chapter 47 and the page where those words are present. She reconfirmed me what I said and showed me those words which she was seeing.

Yes, Baba showed her that He is with her. And it gave me the complete confidence that this is going to be a successful operation. From Day 1 till Wednesday (for about 4 Days) my mother’s bp has not come down. Doctors said that they could only operate when the bp is normal. But it fluctuated between 140 and 130 and 90-100. Yet still, on Wednesday Doctors said they would go ahead and the operation is fixed on Thursday. This again proved to us Baba wants to give us the confidence to face the operation.

Operation started in the morning at around 9 AM and got over in the afternoon after two hours and she came back to the room safely. Later next day, in the early morning, when she opened her eyes and spoke few words in the morning, she told me that an old man came in her dream and said, “Daughter, I was with you for the whole day, I will go and come” and that it should be Baba himself.

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