Monday, June 29, 2009

Again Baba Appeared

Baba again came at around 5:30 PM in the evening in my mothers dream and said, “I have just slipped the biggest danger that was about to cause you”.

My mother was moved from intensive care unit to the regular room. She was taking rest in the evening. My grand father who has passed away (before 20 years) appeared before her with one more old man. They were sitting near her. My Grand father was sitting near her legs and told her, “There is nothing to worry ma”.

The other old man, who was sitting near him with a white beard, said my mother. “I have averted a biggest danger for you”.

Yes, it is our SaiBaba, who again appeared before my mother and blessed her. He gave all the promising words to her and stayed with her till the operation. Call him with faith he would come for you where ever you are. Trust him for he is living for us. Only Love and Faith are the two things does he expect from us. Thank you Baba, I know you are with us. Behold us in all our actions and stay with us every time. We love you Baba. You are our Savior.

Baba said my mother, "I will go and come back"

Early morning about 5:30 AM, A respected old man came and said, “Daughter, I was with you for this whole Day. I will go and come back”.

Yes, it is our Baba who came in my mothers dream. My mother had a throat operation on Sri Rama Navami Day. Doctors have operated and removed a thyroid and a TB swelling in her neck. She was scared before the operation since all tests and scans done before the operation has had no implications yet symptoms as dangerous disease cancer. Everyone in my family believed only in our Father Sai and he can only save my mother.

A day before the operation, I was talking with my mother to give her some confidence to face the operation through Sai stories. I remembered the words from Sai Satcharitra where Baba said to a devotee Gowri, “I will even cross all the 7 seas to save you”

A miracle happened at that time. Moments after, my mother opened Sai Charita to read a chapter and she exactly opened Chapter 47 and the page where those words are present. She reconfirmed me what I said and showed me those words which she was seeing.

Yes, Baba showed her that He is with her. And it gave me the complete confidence that this is going to be a successful operation. From Day 1 till Wednesday (for about 4 Days) my mother’s bp has not come down. Doctors said that they could only operate when the bp is normal. But it fluctuated between 140 and 130 and 90-100. Yet still, on Wednesday Doctors said they would go ahead and the operation is fixed on Thursday. This again proved to us Baba wants to give us the confidence to face the operation.

Operation started in the morning at around 9 AM and got over in the afternoon after two hours and she came back to the room safely. Later next day, in the early morning, when she opened her eyes and spoke few words in the morning, she told me that an old man came in her dream and said, “Daughter, I was with you for the whole day, I will go and come” and that it should be Baba himself.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Guru Poornima celebrated at Thyagaraja Nagar Bangalore

These are the photographs taken in the ‘Sai Mandir’ at Thyagaraja Mandir, Bangalore. Also a very well known Sai’s portrait in a Dark Pink dress showcased in many shops of Bangalore, has been taken from this Sai Mandir.

Sai Baba lives along with his two devotees, who lived at his age, Shri. Narasimha Swamiji & Shri. Radha Krishna Swamiji. Everyday hundreds of devotees bows at our father feet to take blessings from him.

This is my second year at Guru Poornima festival here. Let us all take refuge at our Baba feet and enjoy a few photographs on the eve of the festival.

The entrance of the Temple has been decorated with beautiful flowers.

Dwarkamai Baba’s photo has been placed on top of the entrance gate. People are standing on the Temple top to decorate the temple with beautiful flowers.

Decorations in the Entrance

Sri Radha Krishna

Dwarkamai Baba

Baba in The Mandir

Interior decorations in the Mandir

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Trip to Sai Mandir

I went on a personal trip to Chennai and planned to go to Pondicherry, SaiBaba Mandir. And of course it is the place were I believe I am given rebirth. Baba looks as he is in Shirdi here.

Situated on the shores of the city, for anyone who comes with patience and faith, they are sure to be blessed and given an astounding experience by our beloved Father Sai.

Usually on Sunday afternoon, a group of devotees gather together and do service for Baba (cleaning the premises). My plan today is to join them. By 2 pm in the afternoon, I reached The Mandir. A new security inside The Mandir has not allowed me to get inside since he cannot recognize me, and without thinking anything I sat near the gate and started writing OMSAI in a note book.

Few minutes later, a servicing lady arrived and I was let inside The Mandir. And soon after, The Cook anna (I know him) also came. And we started talking for sometime.

Refreshing my self, I went to see our Father and bowed at his feet with tears in my eyes. Without delaying, I accompanied with the serving lady and started cleaning The Mandir and ended up with Dwarkamai. One can feel the real passion of loving God when you service at his feet – Our Eternal Father Sai Baba – Who lives with us always.

In the evening, when I was about to complete cleaning Cook anna called me and asked me to have some food. He served me with Sai Prasad – A Delicious, Tasteful and a Blessed food.
I brought some food for Baba to serve him (Bread-Jam, Mixture and Guava) in the evening Arati. I gave Mixture and Guava to the Pujari for the Arati and I served the Bread and Jam to Baba from Dwarkamai myself and went back to The Mandir to attend the Arati.

After Arathi, the Cooking anna gave me Prasadam again and I ate for my stomach. He also said he would give me a parcel for night. I thanked Baba for the love and affection he has shows on me through Cook anna.

After The Arati was over, I saw two people singing songs for our Baba inside The Mandir. It reminded me my desires to sing for our Baba inside the same Mandir.
And I started reading Satcharitra sitting inside Dwarkamai.

I planned to start at 7pm from Mandir to stay well ahead and catch the bus from the bus station. But I wanted to complete the chapter which I was reading. Some noise outside The Mandir disturbed my concentration and I am unable to read further and was confused what to do since it is already 7pm.
A Security person who I know in The Mandir very well arrived. This is the First Miracle. I know him very much when I was studying in Pondicherry University. He left the Job to continue his studies years before and rejoined here just few days before. May be Baba made me to wait for sometime to see him and then go. Baba only knows the answer. We spoke for sometime and I asked him about his studies.

Behind The Mandir, Baba’s Foot was kept under a Neem Tree. Whenever I come here, I used to perform Milk Abishekam to our Baba there. I requested the Security bro to bring some milk for me from a nearby shop. We did Milk Abishekam to our father. This is the second Miracle, that Baba made me realize my duties to perform Abishekam.

It is 8pm and Arati started in The Mandir. So I made up my mind to stay for the Night Arati. And the Third Miracle happened. A saint has come to our Baba Mandir that day, he has written Bhaghawatgita in many Indian languages. Arati was playing and The Mandir was filled with Sai Devotees including the Saint.

In the fifth stanza (Athaswami suke nithra kara avathuda) the player stopped suddenly, Pujari was also showing Arati to Baba at this time. Only the Saint and myself are singing the Arati. (Thank you God, I know only the Night Arati, and sometimes even I struggle with some verse). The Temple representatives rushed from the office to The Mandir and gave a mike to me and the Saint. Having unstopped I continued to sing with the mike in my hand and the Arati Bhajan went on smoothly.
I have no words only tears to thank our Baba. I remembered my wish to sing for him from inside The Mandir and he fulfilled my wishes and the Arati also went on without disturbances.

Then after collecting a copy of Baghavatham, I left with a Baba Calender which I purchased there with a food parcel to the bus station. Again a Miracle happened here. A devotee who came for Night Arati gave me a drop to the city and I went before 10pm to the bus station.

When we have full trust on Baba, Baba gives us the promise to take care of us and he will never let any of his children down. I learnt from my experience. Only Faith and Patience is what we have to give our Father with Love and he is sure to take care of us. Patience and Faith is what he wants us to practice.

If you believe in Baba, He will never let you down